


40.00% ABV


Made in Scotland

Chivas Regal 18 Years Gold Signature Blended Scotch Whisky

Chivas Regal 18 Years Gold Signature Blended Scotch Whisky



750 ml

A richly indulgent blended Scotch whisky from longtime favourite, Chivas. The Chivas Regal 18 Year Old was personally created by Master Blender Colin Scott, including over 20 single malts from around Scotland. The IWSC 2014 Trophy winning blended Scotch whisky.

Scotch Whisky, Water and Natural Colour

History -Brothers James and John Chivas, born in 1810 and 1814 respectively, were two of fourteen children born to Robert and Christian Chivas, living on a remote Strathythan farm in the Ellon Parish of Aberdeenshire.[11][12] In 1836, aged 26 and 22 years, James and John decided to leave their poor rustic lifestyle in search of better prospects in Aberdeen, 20 miles (30 kilometres) away. -James joined William Edwards, who in 1828 had bought a grocery, luxury goods, wines and liquor emporium from the family members of John Forrest. Forrest had opened his store in 1801, but died in 1828.[13] James became a partner in 1838.[14] John began working at a wholesale footwear and apparel firm, DL Shirres and Co. This firm would be awarded distribution rights of Chivas Bros from 1860 to 1886, from around John Chivas' entry until James Chivas' death and again later. Awards - Double Gold Medals to the Chivas Regal international spirit ratings competitions In 2013.

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